Work Permit



My mom just picked up my work papers. I’m glad my mom finally took action and got them for me. I wanted to get a job now and probably work through the summer. I’m still looking for a job but I was thinking about working for the chickfila in Springfield because I think it wouldn’t be too much hassle. We get off on Sunday’s, It’s in a nice neighborhood, and I love their food. We’ll see what happens.

The Amazing Spider-Man


I saw The Amazing Spider-Man 2 this past weekend and I loved it. It introduces 3 new villains; Rhino, the Green Goblin, and Electro. I think the cast of this movie was fantastic and every one of the actors crafted the characters to themselves and actually became that character. The movie had it’s ups and downs making me laugh and almost making me cry at some parts. Overall I would recommend it to someone to go see it.

Sumsung must pay Apple


Samsung has to pay $119.6 million more to Apple. “Apple said the latest ruling “reinforces what courts around the world have already found: that Samsung willfully stole our ideas and copied our products.

In August 2012, Samsung was found to have violated several of Apple’s patents, and a jury ruled that Samsung owed Apple more than $1 billion in damages. U.S. District Court Judge Lucy Koh later said that the jury miscalculated the award, and about $450 million worth of those damages were reconsidered in a new trial.

Then, last November, a federal jury ordered Samsung to pay $290 million in damages on top of the $640 million in damages that Judge Koh upheld.

I wonder who’s going to win. I’m leaning towards Apple because I have phone myself. I want to know what would happen if one of these companies went bankrupt. Would all the people from one company switch over to the next?

Jurassic Park


Scientists are thinking about bringing different species back to life. I think this is very stupid and irresponsible. I think if some species are extinct, they’re extinct for a reason. Why should we alter the world? This could change the food chain permanently if we bring an animal back that hunts another endangered species. Changing the food chain could destroy ecosystems. Are we ready for that? I think this is just going to create problems for us. We should just leave it alone.

Why do I want to be an Architect?


When I was younger my mom used to always watch HGTV. That means I was forced to watch it of course but, when I started thinking,” Hey this isn’t bad.” I soon got addicted to Property Brothers and Love It or List It. As I got older I realized they do this for a living and I could too. So I looked into it on the internet and found out that their careers are all joined by one thing; Construction and Architecture.